The Housing Finance Corporation (THFC) has made a donation to More than Homes, the UK housing sector’s campaign to raise £1m for the Trussell Trust.
THFC hosted a seminar entitled “The Cost of Living Crisis: Ensuring No One Gets Left Behind” on the 21st of February and has donated £100 on behalf of each delegate that attended in-person, in addition to each speaker. The donation amount totalled £6,200.
The Housing Finance Corporation (THFC) has proudly supported More than Homes from the beginning. THFC has now donated to More than Homes on three occasions and will continue to advocate for its work. By supporting the campaign, THFC believes the social housing sector has the unique opportunity to collaborate to fight hunger across the UK.
The More than Homes campaign, led by Accent Housing, launched in 2020 as a response to the increased demand for foodbanks during the pandemic. To date, over £400,000 has been raised to fight hunger across the UK, and that number continues to grow. The campaign has seen the sector come together to raise vital funds and support the work of the Trussell Trust.
Piers Williamson, Chief Executive of THFC, said: “THFC have been proud sponsors of More than Homes ever since its launch. We are pleased to have made our third donation to this crucial initiative, which is not only making strides in fighting food poverty across the UK, but also helping Trussell Trust innovate in both the scope and offer made through their foodbanks.”
Stacey Healey, Brand and Communications Strategist at Accent Group and leader of the More than Homes campaign, said: “Once again THFC has gone above and beyond to support the More than Homes campaign and we thank them for their ongoing commitment and generosity. By supporting the work of the Trussell Trust via this campaign more people unable to afford food can be given a lifeline and the Trust can continue campaigning for change to end the need for food banks across the UK.”
Notes to editors:
About THFC: The Housing Finance Corporation (THFC) is the UK’s leading affordable housing aggregator, with around £8bn of lending to around 160 housing associations in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. THFC was set up in 1987 in partnership with the National Housing Federation and what was the Housing Corporation. It now also operates through its subsidiary company, bLEND, which was established in 2018. As a not-for-profit, the group’s surpluses are retained and reinvested to ensure THFC can continue to provide competitively priced funding for HAs long into the future. THFC’s track record of innovation includes some of the earliest green finance products for retrofit and sustainable developments.
For further information contact:
Danielle Hughes, ESG Strategy and Communications Manager –
THFC has today announced the appointment of two new members to its senior leadership team, marking the next phase of.
S&P today affirmed its rating of THFC as ‘A’ with a stable outlook, reflecting its position as the sector’s leading.