Origin Housing secured through THFC loans of £20million from EIB and £4million from the JESSICA funding scheme, to support the development of new sustainable homes and green improvements to existing stock.
The £4million loan from the JESSICA London Green Fund helped reduce carbon emissions in over 1,500 of Origin’s homes across London. Retrofit projects identified fell under two categories:
Thanks to the funding, 56 homes saw improvements to thermal performance due to the adding of external and internal solid wall insulation, plus two housing blocks (approx.. 50 units). Carbon emissions savings over the projects totally 73 tCO2/annum.
£3,704,000 was invested in the installation of condensing boilers in over 1,400 homes, leading to an improvement in SAP ratings and carbon emissions savings of 375 tCO2/annum.
Figure 1: External wall insulation projects in Origin Housing stock
Case Studies
New Gorbals Housing Association used funds secured £6.1million from EIB through the first phase of the Affordable Housing Guarantee Scheme,.
Case Studies
In 2013 THFC on-lent £30million of EIB funds to Plymouth Community Homes for the regeneration of the North Prospect estate..