At a time when politicians are bemoaning the lack of formal training for bankers, The Housing Finance Corporation (THFC) has achieved an important benchmark of becoming accredited as a continuing professional development employer, by the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT). This recognises THFC’s commitment to supporting the learning and development of its employees, the adoption of treasury best practice and following the highest professional standards in line with the ACT’s Ethical Code.
Piers Williamson, THFC’s chief executive said: “As a relatively small employer, we have a relatively large proportion of professionally qualified staff. Although we can’t necessarily offer the career progression of a much bigger employer, we want to encourage all staff to maximise their individual potential and adopt the highest professional practices. Hence the ACT CPD accreditation was a natural step for us to take”.
With RP borrowing approaching £71Bn and the intricacies of International Financial Reporting Standards hitting the sector in anger in 2015/16, there is a growing demand for qualified treasurers throughout developing Housing Associations. THFC’s lead is perhaps a signal to others in the sector to follow suit.
THFC Contact:
Piers Williamson MCT ACIB +44 (0)20 7337 9930
Association of Corporate Treasurers contact:
David Coulson Employer Relations Manager +44 (0) 20 7847 2531
About the ACT
The Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) sets the benchmark for international treasury excellence. As the chartered body for treasury, we lead the profession through our internationally recognised suite of treasury qualifications, by defining standards and championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow.
THFC donates £7,200 to the More than Homes initiative.
Latest deal paves way for housing associations to access liquidity on flexible terms. bLEND has created a new form.